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Mark Stitzer

Mark Stitzer

Instructor Certifier

Mark’s diving career began way back in 1977. Since then he has traveled all over the world and has over 6,800 dives under his belt.
He progressed through the training ranks to SSI Instructor Certifier, and also teaches SDI, and TDI certifications. From snorkeling through scuba instructor, Mark teaches all levels of scuba students, and is certified to teach 42 different specialty courses.
He teaches Enriched Air courses through SSI, SDI, and TDI. He is an instructor certifier for the National Safety Council’s First Aid, CPR, and AED Programs as well as an Instructor Ceritfier for all DAN courses. He also holds TDI certifications in Gas Blending, Enriched Air Nitrox, and Oxygen Equipment Service Technician. One course Mark really enjoys teaching is Scuba Rangers, which is for children ages 8-12.
In 2001 he achieved a Platinum Pro 5000 instructor rating. When Mark is not running the store, or teaching students, he can be found in the Tech Room helping Scuba Venture’s main repair technicians. Mark loves both wreck diving and running trips to the Pacific and the Caribbean.

Jeff Cone

Jeff Cone

Master Instructor

Jeff completed his Open Water certification in 1994. One year later he
completed his Advanced Open Water certification with Scuba Venture.
Since then he has earned the rating of Master Instructor. Jeff loves
teaching students about the great underwater world, from Open Water
through Assistant Instructor. He also loves taking underwater still photos
and showing others that don’t dive in the underwater word.

Jorge Del RIo

Jorge Del RIo


Jorge has always been fascinated with water since he was a young boy.  Growing up in Puerto Rico, he would love exploring the local rivers and streams with his friends. He also loved watching documentaries concerning the ocean and different fish habits. The first time he watched Jacque Cousteau on TV, he knew he wanted to be a scuba diver when he grew up. In 1992, Jorge became an open water diver, and AOW diver in Puerto Rico with PDIC.

In 1993 Jorge moved to Pennsylvania and took Drysuit training in 2000 and started diving cold water environments.  Since then, he has taken several diving courses with SSI, including Divemaster and Assistant Instructor.

Jorge is also an amateur underwater filmaker and loves to share his videos and pictures with his friends and followers on social media.

Chad Frankhouser

Chad Frankhouser


Brett Galambos

Brett Galambos


Brett is a Middle School teacher from the local district of Owen J. Roberts. He has been a certified diver since 1989, where he completed his open water skills at Kutztown University. His interest in diving came from watching divers retrieve fishing lures from Indian River Inlet, Delaware as a seven year old. After completing his open water class at eighteen, he bought his own equipment and began diving in local quarries and off the coast of New Jersey. In 1995 he completed his divemaster rating and immediately went to work on local dive boats in New Jersey, with an interest in spearfishing and lobstering. He has extensive experience as a boat diver and says that shore diving is a way to experience the ocean without the high expense of chartering a boat. Along with Mark Stitzer, Brett is the only other instructor certified at Scuba Venture to teach Waves, Tides, and Currents (Shore Diver). In 2004, he completed his instructor rating, and anticipates working with many new students as well as continuing his innovative intervention diving program that he uses to teach scuba adventure education and other activities to his Middle School students.

Charlie Haldeman

Charlie Haldeman


Charlie started diving in 1974. He went to Northern Michigan University in 1980 to get his PADI Instructor Certification. He worked his way up to an Instructor Trainer, Developmental Staff Instructor and Master Instructor. In 1991 he joined Scuba Venture, and switched over to SSI, DCSI instructor. Since then, he has over 10,000 dives under his weight belt and has certified over 2200 students. In 2001 he received his Platinum Pro 5000 instructor rating. Two more years and Mark will have to give him the Gold dive watch for continuous service. He teaches Boat, Deep, Night, and Drysuit diving specialties. Cozumel, Mexico and the Cayman Islands are a few of his favorite warm water spots, and New Jersey wrecks and buggin’ are high on his fun to do list. Usually he can be seen (fins at least) during the Florida mini season looking for those tasty treats.

Shawn Kane

Shawn Kane


Richard Mitchell

Richard Mitchell


Charles Ogborn

Charles Ogborn


Chuck has been a diving since 2002 as a recreational diver traveling to places such as the North Atlantic, North Carolina, Florida Keys, the Philippines and throughout the Caribbean. In addition to recreational diving Chuck is also an avid technical diver challenging himself with deep wreaks and cave adventures. He has been active Dive Master for several years and during 2016 he joined the Scuba Venture staff.

Rahn Richards

Rahn Richards


Jack Schearer

Jack Schearer


Chris Snyder

Chris Snyder


Brent Watts

Brent Watts


Robin Wood

Robin Wood


Jim Yancik

Jim Yancik


ScubaVenture Staff

Jake Alinsky

Jake Alinsky


Gordon Araujo

Gordon Araujo

Assistant Instructor

Mathew Dempsey

Mathew Dempsey

Assistant Instructor

Lester Dise

Lester Dise

Assistant Instructor

Laura Emerich

Laura Emerich

Assistant Instructor

Matt Henderson

Matt Henderson

Assistant Instructor

Jennifer Landis

Jennifer Landis

Assistant Instructor

Cheryl Miller

Cheryl Miller

Assistant Instructor

Mark Stitzer Jr.

Mark Stitzer Jr.

Assistant Instructor

Kerry Gassert

Kerry Gassert

Repair Technician

John Conlen

John Conlen

Support Staff

Joe Dietrich

Joe Dietrich

Support Staff
